I’m not going to say these are the freshest Fallout 76 memes we could dig out of the internet oven, but they are some of the tastiest in the review-bomb wake.

Cheese is basically old milk, and almost everybody loves cheese.

Where words can’t express the sheer joy or anger we feel when discovering a game is or isn’t exactly what we feared or hoped it would be, memes are there to remind us that in the end, there’s always something to laugh about. 

Da Best Fallout 76 Memes



Like Fallout 76, this list isn’t complete. Unlike Fallout 76, it probably won’t ever be. Such is life.

We’ll be adding more to this list but if you’ve got something good, pop it in the comments below and share. Don’t be greedy!

And stay tuned for our official review of Fallout 76 – and the inevitable counter review from an office divided.