Police presumed that they were killed over significant Stradivarius violins. Stradivarius is an uncommon violin and expenses more than $16 million each. The violin is extravagant on the grounds that it is presently not underway.


Their neighbors purportedly killed Bernard von Bredow and his girl Lydia in Paraguay. Beforehand, Bernard had asked his neighbor Volker Grannass to care for his Stradivarius violins. This choice described by Bernard turned as lethal for himself as well as his girl.

58-year-old Grannass and two different Germans are presently in police care. The police tracked down 4 of Bernard’s Stradivarius violins in Grannas’ home. Police Commissioner Hugo Grance announced that Bernard and Lydia were tormented and killed.

Father Bernard was found flung on a table with a slug twisted in his mind. Bernard likewise had wounds all around his body. Girl Lydia was observed dead in a bath with a discharge twisted in her gut. Grance further uncovered that the killings occurred elsewhere, and the bodies were subsequently brought inside their homes.

Proof from the scene uncovered multiple individuals associated with the wrongdoing, and the executioners were searching for something of significant worth.

Bernard Von Bredow And Lydia Von Bredow: Wikipedia And Age.

Bernard was 62 years, and his girl Lydia was just 14 years of age when they were killed. Bernard was known for finding wooly mammoth fossils in 1975 and an Ice Age European lion of Bravia. He was likewise a violin creator.

Bernard had different unique Stradivarius violins in his ownership which Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari made. Antonia has an exceptional method of dealing with wood and just made 960 bits of violins which made them incredibly significant. As of now, just 650 Stradivarius violins are in presence.

— Benning Violins (@BenningViolins) November 11, 2021

Bernard Von Bredow And Daughter Lydia And Murder Case Update.

Official Grance expressed that the Stradivarius violins couldn’t be sold without real confirmation. Volker Grannass recruited 60-year-old Yves Asriel Spartacus Steinmetz and 51-year-old Stephen Jorg Messing Darchinger to torment Bernard and Lydia to get his hand on the declaration.

The three German men have not been accused of homicide yet on the grounds that the case is as yet in the examination stage. Examiners working on this issue expressed that it was inevitable under the steady gaze of the court rebuffed the three for such a terrible wrongdoing. At this point, it isn’t known where the declarations of the violins are.