After the episode, she confronted a sentence of nine years. James Benning, an American producer, shrouded the whole story in the 1987 narrative, Landscape Suicide. In like manner, the story advanced toward a TV film named A Friend to Die For.

Other than these, this story turned into a point for some different titles, Death of a Cheerleader, season 5 of Deadly Women, and numerous others. Bernadette Protti, who killed her cohort in June 1984, isn’t in jail any longer.

She finished her limit of a 9-year jail sentence and is currently having a private existence. With respect to her definite whereabouts, it stays obscure right now.

On 23 June 1984, Bernadette welcomed her school companion, Kirsten Marina Costas, for the Bob-o-Links to become friends with her. Nonetheless, her companion blew up as she discovered that she got tricked.

The present circumstance made the two squabble, and Costas escaped to the home of Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, letting them know that her companion was peculiar.

Alex drove her home as she couldn’t contact her folks. At her home, Protti assaulted Costas, wounding her multiple times with a butcher blade and running away from the wrongdoing area. The injured got taken to a close by medical clinic, where she died.

Police, after just about a half year, tracked down the executioner. She breezed through completely false indicator assessment, yet her vindication stayed unsubstantiated. While trying to affirm it, police associated her with lying. She then, at that point, thought of her mom a letter with a full admission after a FBI specialist told her that her capture was impending.

Protti said she found the butcher blade her senior sister Virginia Varela kept in her vehicle to cut vegetables by some coincidence. The executioner got a sentence of a limit of nine years in jail yet got delivered released early 1992.

Following her jail sentence, nearly everything about her is a secret including, her whereabouts. Nonetheless, reports online say that she currently lives with an alternate name, Jeannette Tomanka.


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Concerning Bernadette Protti’s age, she is 53 years of age. She was born on 20 September 1968. Her mom, Elaine Protti, was a homemaker, while her dad was a resigned public works official.

Bernadette confronted a sentence of 9 years for second-degree murder allegations. Other than her wrongdoing, there isn’t much with regards to her on the web. Her instructive capabilities and expert foundation stay stowed away. As to Protti’s family, we are familiar a couple of individuals.

Her mom is Elaine Protti. Concerning her dad, the personality stays obscure. She likewise has a sister named Virginia Protti. Other than them, reports online say that she is a hitched lady and has youngsters. Be that as it may, she never affirmed any of it, and everything is only theory.