Set in a beautiful forest, Seasons after Fall tells the story of a little fox which is being used as a vessel for a tiny magical seed that needs the foxes help to find the Guardians of the Seasons so that it can absorb the power of the seasons in order to restore them.

After reviewing the game, I caught up with its developers to get some behind the scenes info on what I reckon will be my favorite game of the year.

ESpalding: Hello there! Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk to you. I know who you are, but could you please start off by telling the readers a little bit about yourselves?

ES: Where did the initial concept for Seasons after Fall come from?

ES: I absolutely love the concept of the game but what is the reason behind your choice of setting and characters? Is nature something you enjoy?

ES: Oh wow! I didn’t see it from that point of view, but now you mention it I can see where you are coming from.

The hand-painted style of graphics in the game are stunning, what made you decide to go with this kind of design?

ES: The audio for the game is provided by a string quartet. How much input did you have in the development of the soundtrack? Did you write the score? Why was a classical track chosen over something a little more modern sounding?

ES: The game was released on September 2nd. Now that people have had time to play it, what has been the general reception to Seasons after Fall?

ES: Lastly, for a bit of fun, Seasons after Fall is all based on the seasons and how they affect the environment. So what is your favorite season and why? My favorite is Autumn as I love the natural autumn colors and the smells of nature changing.

ES: Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to chat to you about your latest game. I would like to wish you all the best for this game and any yet to come.

Seasons after Fall is now available to download from Steam for PC only. If this chat with the games developer has whetted your appetite, check out this trailer and then go and grab yourself a copy!