*Disclaimer: Steve and I went to college together, so, despite our inherent professionalism, this interview may come across as rather casual. It is also spoiler free – respect and integrity first and foremost!

Now let’s dive right into it! (pun intended)

Gameskinny [GS]: Alright, Steve. Would you mind filling the readers in on what it is that you do at Giant Squid?

GS: That’s a pretty big task, especially considering that ABZÛ is set primarily underwater. What are some challenges you’ve faced while creating a soundscape for this environment?

TL;DR: I’m responsible for all audio except for music.

GS: It’s interesting that the ocean, though very much present in reality, is still so foreign to us all. Has it been stressful at all, trying to capture both the realism and magic of this unknown? Do you feel pressured to maintain this duality?

GS: And you’re doing a great job, by the way. Then again, not all magic is wondrous. On one hand we have cute, little torpedo drones, and on the other is a great white shark.

GS: Wow. Even though you mentioned using land-based animals for inspiration, I didn’t expect that. Did you do this instinctively?


GS: That just made my day. A bit more on the personal side, I can’t help but wonder what it’s like working with Austin Wintory. The man composed the first video game score to ever receive a Grammy nomination. That must be pretty insane. 

GS: No, that’s perfectly fine and respectable of you. I know you’ve played Journey, and now you’re working with multiple members of its development team. Have you revisited it at all for inspiration here? Or are you attempting to create a unique experience apart from that familiarity?

GS: So a sense of nostalgia, but with new car smell… Now I’m even more excited than before. Steve, you’ve more than answered all the questions I had planned, so is there anything left that you’d like to say about this experience? 

And there you have it! The soundscapes of ABZÛ are being woven together diligently by the talent over at Giant Squid. A massive thank you to Steve Green and Giant Squid for allowing me to conduct this interview. Expect to see their hard work made available for PC and PlayStation 4 early in 2016.